** New: Read recent article on Dr. Brodie-Brockwell,"Root of Headache May Be In Teeth"
 in The Toronto Sun at canoe.ca  click here

Read the Mississauga News article  click here


Have you ever wondered why some children as  young as 5 years old may complain of headaches and tummy aches that can cause vomiting  and sometimes may not want to go to school? 

     The interesting thing is that this condition usually happens in the morning. If you are the parent , you wonder if something is going on at school that the child may want to avoid, and if you are the teacher, you may feel that the child really should be in school each morning when the reading, arithmetic and spelling lessons are being taught.  Often the child will feel better as the morning wears on and so returns to class after lunch.  If this pattern is repeated over and over, then it is time to see if there is a medical problem or if something else is causing this distress.

You may be surprised to learn that quite possibly the child in question really is suffering from undiagnosed MIGRAINE symptoms.  Unfortunately MIGRAINE respects no age barrier and there is a very good reason why school age children  complain of "sick headaches. While the YOUNG CHILD  is the first to experience MIGRAINE symptoms, this condition can repeat itself when the child is about 12 years of age and then again at about 18 years of age.  

Why, you may ask, are those ages so significant?  I detail the reasons for this condition in my new book entitled, "Migraine, The Causes and Treatment".  This book is invaluable to both parents and teachers alike, because it explains the Dental changes that children go through and how these impact on their development.  Children do suffer pain, in the form of headaches, and tummy aches that can cause vomiting, but they also can have vision and hearing problems and feel dizzy.  My new book, "Migraine, The Causes and Treatment" tells you WHY children at those ages are in pain and HOW RELIEF can be achieved through the accurate identification and elimination of  16 different forms of Interference between the teeth in the upper and lower jaws that are the Dental Triggers of MIGRAINERead More.....


***Attention: Parents, teachers and caregivers of young children. For an opportunity to have Dr. Brodie-Brockwell talk to your group or organization about children's migraine, e-mail him at migraineexpert@hotmail.com to book a day and time.

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